Monday, February 1, 2010

The Exchange

The beauty of Power Exchange, as seen through my eyes, and needed within my soul:

He always listens carefully to what I have to say and values me, respectfully, as a partner of intelligence and worth but....

I am not on equal footing with Him

He holds the power and control

He has the final say on everything

This works, as I trust Him completely and have chosen Him because I feel safe and secure under the power and control He wields

It doesn't have to be complicated, does it?


  1. I'd like to think it doesn't have to be complicated but somehow we make it so.

  2. Dear girl
    It has been a long time since I have commented but please know that I hover over you constantly and read your touching words regularly. I sincerely hope you find the man that can give you what you need. The hunger oozing from each and every word you write cannot be missed and I find them erotic and pleasing. You will find the man you deserve, or He will find you. Mark my words.

  3. Yes Aurore, I guess we do.....but why?

    I appreciate your sentiments Jonathan, and also the fact that you are still "here" with me. I hope you are right, I really do.
