Sunday, February 1, 2009


To say that I need you, I must then justify this need -- why do I need you. I need you because I feel loved; I feel special; I feel wanted. I need you because you open my eyes and open my views. I need you because you are strength when I am weak, perseverance when I am lazy, crazy when I am all too sane. I need you because, by example, you teach me how to feel; teach me how to rely upon my self; teach me what it means to be strong. I need you because you need me.

But need has nothing to do with love. Need gets in the way of love -- provides conditions of expectancies; provides a termination of affairs whenever those needs are fulfilled.

Need does love a great disservice.

To say I love you because I need you is selfish, not self-less, and means that I have no concept of what love truly is.

To say that I want you, I must justify this want -- why do I want you? I want you because I feel loved; I feel special; I feel needed. I want you because you are a great teacher of who I am and who we are -- inspiring me to new realms, new schisms, new identities. I want you because you help bring out the best in me. I want you because you help bring out the worst in me, and help me to evolve. I want you, too, out of familiarity and comfort.

But want has nothing to do with love. Want gets in the way of love -- provides conditions and expectancies; provides an avenue of stasis and staleness, stagnant.

Want does love a great disservice.

Thus, to say I love you because I want you means I have no concept of what love is.

I am far from a perfect love. To say I want you, I need you, is not indicative of love. These are not the basis for love. Love is a state of being, a state of joy that no human word can approximate the feeling of, which is why we so often confuse want, need, lust, love. Love, as a state of being, does not fluctuate with the daily sufferings of life -- nor does it demonstrate itself in flowers and sex and wine. Love is not unrealistic expectations out of your lover -- love is not "any" expectation out of your lover.

Love is not needing, not wanting, but something else entirely.

Love is sacred.
To say otherwise is not love.

Author Unknown

1 comment:

  1. It was originally a love letter I wrote for my wife roughly a decade ago. Unfortunately it is something that I do need to re-read. Thank you.

    MercyRain/Liam Seeley -
